Category Archives: Metric based indicators

Special issue on early-warnings and regime shifts in journal of Theoretical Ecology

The current issue of Theoretical Ecology is dedicated on Early Warnings and Tipping Points in Ecology. This special issue was co-edited by Vasilis Dakos and Alan Hastings and contains 11 original research papers from key contributors of the topic. You can find a complete list of content here. We hope it will have a strong impact in the further development of anticipating regime shifts in complex systems. It will be highlighted in the upcoming ESA conference in Minneapolis.

PloS One paper on Methods for Estimating Early-Warnings is out!

Our paper that launched the idea of the Early Warning Signals Toolbox has appeared in PloS One. It is a pure methodological paper that summarizes in a protocol most of the methods being presented for estimating early-warnings in timeseries. In a short time it will be matched with a similar paper on methods using spatial data. Most of the content of both papers will be found in this webpage in a simpler format. Stay in tune!